Tuesday, February 28, 2012

From Russia with Love

Greetings troops,

Just some brief shots of the Soviet troops going to Steve.  It's part of a force trade that we are doing.  He will be basing the troops to match his other comrades.  Enjoy !

Look to WWPD to see these boys in action !

Gun Metal going on ...

More Gun Metal ...

Beige Brown to Rifles and various items ...

MORE Beige Brown ...

     Just got the skin highlights and Black to the boots.  A black wash will be applied to the metal to dull the shine and brown wash on the wood to get some shading.

     Once done these comrades will be placed on a train to the Eastern Front (Steve of WWPD) for field maneuvers (basing) with the last stop being the front ...

Keep Paint the flowing and the Dice rolling ...

Joe ... aka Mezz

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Early War ... Noob to the front !

Greetings troops,

The other evening I was able to get an Early War battle in with Steve.  I was running German Infantry vs. Steve's dreaded Panhards and French.  As usual I am not good at remembering blow by blow since its been some days since the battle took place.  I was able to get some awesome pictures and use the new Version 3 rules, hope you enjoy them !

Look to WWPD for additional photos and comments regarding the battle.

Infantry moving through the swamp towards objectives

Infantry in Ruins

One of Steve's Objectives.  Caught some troops in the latrine !

First kill ... which happens to be my Panzer III Cmdr

Panhards moving fast on road ... 18" !!!

How my rolls went all game lol ... 

"Do we have to go through the swamp?"

2nd Platoon coming across the swamp

Mortar teams take out one panhard !

French Mortars moving to setup

Tank Killers getting an angle ...

Peek - a - BOO !

Sneaky Panhards attempting a flank move ... 

Mortars taking incoming ...

Panhards vs German Armored cars 

Aggressive armor moving to take out tank killers and Panzer IIIs

Steve's roll had to jump on the fence and shout "yes!" No lie this is how the die came to rest ...

Steve's Panhards still moving towards Mortar teams ...

Armored cars not going quietly into the night ... takes out 2 more Panhards

Another Panhard loss to the Stuka ... the Soma had a bomb bounce off ... DANG IT !

Another sneaky Panhard finds the back door is contested ...

Burning Panhards ...

Stuka run ...

Last armored car falls to an antitank gun ...

Luck ran out ...

Last stand of the tank killers ...

French infantry getting ready for an initial assault ...

This would be the 1st of two failed assaults ...

The game would finalize at 5-2, I would go to lose 3 moral test on three platoons and leave the field to the french.  Awesome game with some crazy events.  Much respect to French capabilities ... especially those swarming Panhards !

Keep the Paint flowing and the Dice rolling !

Joe ... aka Mezz

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Defection ?!?

Comrades !

"The time has come for a decision.  I am defecting to German lines !  Who is with me ?"

     I am announcing to my troops of my decision to defect to German forces for Flames of War.  Here are my thoughts and reasons behind the recent decision.
  1. Money. Let's face it.  It takes a large amount of cash to get forces on the table.  I don't have the cash flow I used to have.  I have a nice little force started but I can't see it hitting the table in the near future at a nice pace.  Not unless I stop eating and live in a tent
  2. Time.  It's a precious resource.  I need an army that will be rewarding to build, fun to paint and yet not take years to get on the table.  My American Forces were quick to form up and get on the table.  
     I will say that I liked painting the Russians.  I have enjoyed researching and reading about them.  They have excellent resources available and you have tons of options to field them to your liking.  But unfortuantely they are a large army to build, assemble and get to the table.

     So with that in mind I will be "defecting".  I have Russians for sale or trade.  But the one thing I will not lose or trade is the healthy respect for the FOW Russian forces and capabilities.

     Steve, WWPD commander and friend of mine has made a trade for my Strelkovy Infantry and HQs for some German troops to assist in my new venture.  Here is a brief listing of the forces ...
  • PSC Panzer III's (EW/MW)
  • PSC Halftracks (EW/MW)
  • PSC Panzer IVs (EW/MW/LW options)
     I will be purchasing HQs and Panzergrenadiers to make a beginning force.  Look to WWPD in the near future to following my research, building and new venture articles.  My blog will feature only painting photos.

Keep the Paint flowing and the Dice rolling !

Joe ... aka "Mezz"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIP - Soviet Infantry 2nd Company

Greetings troops,

Sorry I have not posted many articles lately.  We had to move out of house while repairs are being completed due to water leaks.  Needless to say my nomad ways have allowed me to bring some supplies and models to keep the paint flowing while this occurs.

Here are some photos I took recently ... I was able to get two colors down before "Commie Cramps" kicked in.  I am using the method shared with me by Pete, fellow WWPD'er shared.  I sprayed the figures with German Armor yellow first.  After touch ups I hit all figures with a double dose of straight Devlan Mud Wash from GW.  Today I was able to place US Tan and Russian Green on the figures.  Let me know what ya think !

After Priming and Wash

After Priming and Wash

Priming and Wash ...

AND more Priming and Wash

US Tan applied to bedrolls overcoats and bags, Russian Green to the helmets.  Tan Flesh and wash was applied before using the Inside Out Method from Dirty Jon

More US Tan and Russian Green ...

And more ...

And more !

Ongoing theme !

Done .... "Commie Cramps" had set in ...

Keep the Paint flowing and the Dice rolling !!!

Be safe ...

Joe ... aka Mezz