Greetings troops,
As my fellow troops know, I am currently raising a Russian Army for Flames of War. I recently ventured down to the local game shop and used a Christmas gift card to purchase some items to assist with raising my 500 points for our escalation Eastern Front armies.
I was able to pick up a Soviet paint set since I was missing a couple of vital colors for the brave soldiers of the Motherland. Next I grabbed a
- Battalion HQ blister
- Company HQ blister
- LW Strelkovy Infantry Platoon blister
Now ... before you light up the comments field, I am aware that I need tons more to complete my 500 points but give me time :) Most likely will be adding a mortar platoon for my next point increase for May.
Here are some shots of the primed Battalion HQ and the color process beginning. I have decided that this brave 500 point force is being raised to defend Steve-o-grad and have recently been "recruited" from the local areas. I am still deciding how I am gonna base them. I have figured that different companies (platoons for the rest of the FOW armies) will be based different to assist in telling them apart.
I also attempted a new technique that I read about on the FOW forums. I usually paint the high areas and leave the recessed areas black to make em pop. It looks great but takes some time. So the new technique I paint all areas full color of requirement, then hit the mini with brown GW wash, let dry and then hit the high areas with the original color. It seems to work .... The forum says to use Devlin GW wash but I have the brown wash and wanted to see if it would do the trick.
New method on the left, Old on the right
New Method (Left), Old Method (Right)
Brown GW Wash applied on Left, None on the Right
Old Method without the wash
New Method with Wash on Left, Old Method with no Wash on right
With Wash, Highlighting the raised areas with original color
Old Method, No wash
Old Method on Left, New Method with Wash and Highlight on Right
New Method on Left, Old Method on Right
Enjoy the simple yet primed forces of the Battalion HQ ... for the MOTHERLAND ! Let me know what ya think ? The wash went quicker then hitting highlights alone ... but its a new technique ..... sound off which you like better !!
Keep the Paint Flowing and the Dice Rolling ...
Joe ... aka Mezz