Monday, July 20, 2009

Side note

Hello Troopers

Just a friendly plug for my other blog. It is a Star Wars story with some role playing mixed in. I know some of you are RPG'ers and SW fans. So follow the link and become a "Imperial Citizen" to follow the blog.

I am still working on getting some pictures up on this blog.

Be safe


Friday, July 10, 2009


Hello troops,

Good news was I found the camera card reader. BUT ... the bad news is that my ditigal camera is broken. I am not sure what or when I will be able to get some pics up on this blog. I will still post my progress and such. please stay on the roster .... I will try to get pictures up but the blog will continue.

Thanks for your understanding ....


Recon pictures coming today ....

Quick note troops,

I found the missing recon equipment ( my card reader ) and will be posting photos today ....

Thanks for the understanding
